Original Art for Dogecoin

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Dogecoin?

A: Dogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide. Source
Dogecoin is a digital currency that is tipped, traded, and used on sites such as this to buy/sell goods and services. The thing that makes Dogecoin so special is the community behind it. The coin was launched on December 8th, 2013, and already the reddit community has over 70,000 subscribers!

Q: Is it worth anything?

A: 1 Doge = 1 Doge. However, in terms of of Dogecoin/USD worth, check out dogepay.com. As you can see, Dogecoin does have value!

Q: How do I obtain it?

A: There are several ways to obtain Dogecoin. Mining, receiving tips, buying it via exchange, and working for it! See the bottom of this page for a list of resources to get you started.

Q: Okay, got it! But why are you only accepting Dogecoin?

A: Because TO THE MOON. That's why!

We want to help people get started in crytocurrency and cater specifically to those that are already involved. Many of our Dogecoin will be redistributed amongst the community in for the form of tips. It's the Shibe way!

Q: Are you only going to paint things relating to Dogecoin?

A: Nope. Come back to this page or like us on Facebook to stay informed on what's new!

Q: I am still confused on how to get started using Dogecoin to buy your wonderful art. Can you help me?

A: Certainly! Send us an email: info@coyneland.com and we'd be happy to help!


  • dogecoin.com - your home for everything dogecoin related. Download a wallet and get started today!
  • reddit.com/r/dogecoin - join the AWESOME reddit community!
  • dogepay.com - convert your Doge to up-to-the-minute USD/BTC prices
  • flappydoge.net - why not take a break and play some Flappy Doge?!
© Coyneland 2014